Right now I'm at the age of 5 years old, I go to school for the first time. How do I access Chao Luang Pho Upphatham school 7, I met many friends? I started playing sports at the elementary school athletes as I have 5. I just graduated from school, I went into the exam Maerimwitthayakhom and distance friends who've studied together since kindergarten. But I have a new friend in no time. I have a few close friends. Every time a friend has a troubling story, I was ready to intervene to help. I often have friends over and over again until early April and humor make friends laugh to suppliers. This time interval is the time interval that is very memorable. It is time that I feel that it is both the longest and the joy and passion together, laugh together, cry, but I rarely go back and forth where much with friends. Because my mother's father is worried about me. My mother always taught me to care and khoioprom Although in the past there may be times when that makes my mom is concerned. Today, what I'm trying is to concentrate on education, enrolment to the future of his family and myself.
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