Tank rental (chong cao) or Tang Tang parade lease or rent (dong chong xia cao) is the scientific name. Ophiocordyceps sinensis is a Chinese herb Which means "worm grass" or "winter worm. Summer is grass "can be found in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu province in India, Bhutan and Nepal Himalaya Herbal tank rental or lease Tang is a Chinese herb that looks like a worm Krahi๋w. Some call it "worm grass" or in some texts are called. "Sarah wanted it called" the mushroom kingdom tank rental for a few minutes like in the winter. And parasitize the larvae live one. When the heating season, the worm will die. And fungi will grow out of the worm. A line out This part of the head of the worm Which we refer to as "tank rental" or "mushroom tank rental."
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