The study on the process of the policy of diphtheria vaccine in the people aged 20 - 50 years into practice in the area of health 4 years. The 2558 found 1) policy objectives mentioned is clear, the results of implementation for according to immunization against diphtheria in the community (Herd. Immunity) target success is the coverage of this vaccine service no less than percent of people born before 85 plan on immunization or are incomplete. Aged between 20 to 50 years 2) political policy. The government supported the policy from the approved project budget. 3). The agency of implementing the policy, Ministry of public health. Is the lead agency in the performance and the CDC. A driven policy to provincial, district and tambon found problems in the delay of the declared policy to practice successively with the schedule campaign. 4) the process of communication. The clarity of the transfer policy to practice in moderate to large percentage 85.2 5). The resources used to support policy, not enough about personnel, budget, and media 6) tracking performance. Found that performance, provide diphtheria vaccine was less than the target of 69.1 and service model of both proactive and reactive 24.8%. The effect evaluation of the implementation of policy, it was found that people receive vaccine diphtheria disease C per cent 85 65.6%. The pain, swelling, at the injection site. After vaccination diphtheria were 66.1 besides also found that people with knowledge. Correct understanding of diphtheria vaccine that can prevent infection diphtheria from alien labor. Only 68.0% were satisfied with this policy, the 99.2
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