Installing and Launching Maqetta on Localhost.Supported browsers: Google Chrome (current release), Mozilla Firefox (current release) and Mac Safari 5.1.Long-term vision: everyone runs a cloud version of Maqetta (i.e, run off server).This README describes how to launch the locally installed version of Maqetta off of http: / / localhost. However it is, important. To note that the Maqetta open source team "s goal is that ultimately everyone will run Maqetta in the cloud (i.e. Off of. A server), saving files in their cloud workspace. The team features of Maqetta particularly review and commenting require,,, Users to run the server-based version of the product.There might be multiple cloud versions of Maqetta. The Maqetta team provides a non-commercial as-is non-secure use at,,,, Your, own risk etc. Cloud-hosted version of Maqetta at / / cloud versions of Maqetta might also be available. For example your company, might be hosting a version of Maqetta. On an intranet server or other, web sites might offer cloud-hosted versions of Maqetta.Instructions for installing and running Maqetta locally.With, this option you download a ZIP file containing Maqetta double-click on, a file to launch the Maqetta server on localhost: 50000,, And then launch Maqetta by navigating your browser to http: / / localhost: 50000 / maqetta. As, a result you will be running Maqetta. On a "local cloud" where http: / / localhost: 50000 / maqetta simulates a cloud environment. Detailed installation instructions. Can be found in a subsequent section. This approach allows your data to be stored on your local, file system but you cannot. Use the team features such as review and commenting.Here are the instructions for installing and running Maqetta locally (i.e. Http: / / localhost: 50000).Step 1: Verify you have Java Version 5 installed on your machine.Maqetta requires Java Version 5 (i.e. JRE Version 1.5), installed on your machine in order to run Maqetta locally.Follow these steps to check your Java version:Open a Command Prompt window.On Windows: Click Start > Run type in, CMD and click OK.On Mac: Open Finder > > > Applications Utilites Terminal.Type in Java - version.If the version number 1.5.0, or higher no further action is required.If the version number is lower, than 1.5.0 or you don "t have Java on, your machine then you" ll need to install Java 1.5 (or. Later) onto your machine.Step 2: Launch the Maqetta server.With the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac), navigate to the directory into which you unzipped the Maqetta files.Launch the Maqetta server process.On Windows double-click on, the file (depending on, your settings the Windows Explorer might not. Show the. "Bat extension)."On Mac double-click on, the file maqetta.server.mac.command (depending on your settings the Mac, finder might not show. The. "Command extension)."You can tell that the server has launched if you see the following message in the shell window:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOTE: CLOSING THIS WINDOW WILL.STOP THE MAQETTA SERVER PROCESS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!Using Directory: < >, maqetta-unzip-dir usersStart your browser at http: / / localhost: 50000 / maqetta.... (various messages might appear here)...OSGi >.Be sure to wait until you see the OSGi > prompt appear. That indicates that the server has initialized.The Maqetta server will continue to run until you close the shell window that comes up after you double-click on the server. Launch file. Therefore if you, close the shell window the Maqetta, server process will, stop running at which point you. Can "t run http: / / localhost: 50000 / maqetta anymore.One possible problem is that you might already be running a different localhost server on your system at http: / / localhost: 50000. (the default for Maqetta). Refer to the detailed notes immediately below about how to change the Maqetta launch script to. Use a different port number.Detailed notes about the Maqetta server.On the Mac you can, launch the Maqetta server from the Dock by dragging the maqetta.server.mac.command onto the right part. Of the doc.The launch scripts ( and maqetta.server.mac.command) have some default parameters:HTTP port number - The scripts default to port 50000. If you prefer to use 8080 or some other port number hand-edit the,, Launch script and change 50000 to something else (any number in the 50000 "s is OK).User workspace folder - Any files that you create in Maqetta will be saved into a folder managed by the Maqetta server. Process. You can change the location for where your workspace is saved by hand-editing the launch scripts. Note that a future. Version of Maqetta will allow you to open any file on your local system. The current release can only open files within. The workspace area.The default user workspace folder locations are:Windows: < >, maqetta-unzip-dir usersMacintosh: < maqetta-unzip-dir > / users.Step 3: Launch Maqetta application in, Google Chrome Firefox 4 or Mac Safari 5.1.Once.
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