In the vast world, consisting of over sixty four million people. They are different people, was filled with dreams, and 3 to stay alive ... Seem to have, but I never thought that what they truly. I sigh and get a release time has passed ... If I dream of seeing the future. What I want to know is "itself is the end of life into the format" does not recognize their own success in life? ... You sense enough to understand? To say I cannot say is different from others, but what I will confirm it. I'm not a man born to succeed ... In a world where I live The attempt was never sent to ... Although this may sound like a speech with the excuse of those who have never tried to do it utmost to understand but I am alone and unseen thirai thought up not that existing identity until now. In fact, there is probably don't really (laughs). That is to say, what it is not. I was going to say that human life, in fact, depending on all the memories ... If without memory. The identity of the person, it will gradually fade and eventually disappear in the middle of such children, who lose the memory of the accident. The identity of people who were around in the eyes of the child would be low on ink because when there is no memory, nothing has confirmed that the RapPort is a fact. Don't just misunderstood!?! I didn't lose my memory and, of course, normal people around ... But to the ... My self back out in the Middle, as it is missing ... ------You try to guess what I want to represent?--- This may seem ridiculous to you, but for me, this blog is the same as my forum is represented by wearing their own role in the spirit with all. If this is a court penalty. The judgment is me, and I in the last of the prisoners who block the mind against the people, including the world. You don't want to listen to it, watch a little bit of us? If you understand it is not a joke, that of Scouting ... If you think this is funny think it fun to read to kill time, ask you to picture this prisoner who was walking out from the phanthanakan are old door. In the background, it was probably fun. .. and it will be even more fun when you have to imagine that a prisoner who is lifted at the end of finishing neck knife rise himself as repent, blood, plenty of overflow on the floor instead of oeng crash evil lives in the moment. It would make these stories look fun. Every time you see him hit the blade to the neck of me?..................................
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