unSTRucTuREd inTERviEw An unstructured interview is one in which the interviewer asks probing, open-ended questions. This type of interview is comprehensive, and the interviewer encourages the applicant to do much of the talking. Questions such as “What professional accomplishments are you most proud of and why?” “What is your greatest professional strength, and how have you used it to overcome a challenge in your career?” and “What specifically attracted you to our organization?” might be asked. The unstructured interview is often more time consuming than the structured interview and results in obtaining different information from different candidates. This adds to the potential legal woes of organizations using this approach. Compounding the problem is the likelihood of discussing ill-advised, potentially discriminatory information. Applicants who are being encouraged to pour their heart out may volunteer facts that the interviewer does not need or want to know. Unsuccessful applicants subjected to this interviewing approach may later claim in court that the reason for their failure to get the job was the employer’s use of this information.
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