I understand, that's why the car up to the age of 14. For the year, but it is also fortunate that it is a color that you like. I like the pink-orange color of the satae enough or actual PC I use blue. I chose a career path because the Government contains a private benefit is better in the long run. Although the initial work may be less than the starting salaries, but salaries will scroll twice a year. Where private sector jobs that I would move just once a year and when retirement is 60 years now the pension, but the reason why I chose this work because I want to open a pharmacy and working with will have identification such that if I choose to work in private, it will not be able to launch the drug because it is the same or can I leave it out to open the restaurant, I don't do drugs! I like the hospital because it is better. With training to develop the knowledge to us. I like this more than jobs.Best yesterday I went to the training of new pharmaceutical products is that not much of the pharmacy Association in Surat Thani province. Free job training, by the representative of the product sale.In that case, you should study in master's degree to work in high positions, engineering.
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