Nakhon SI thammarat province in the country, Thailand The most populous in the South, and there are 2 of the largest space in the South (from suratthani) away from Bangkok, about 780 kilometers adjacent provinces including Songkhla, Trang, Krabi and Surat Thani phatthalung.In the past. Have multiple names, such as this land in India to supervise University of Scriptures written c. 14th 7-8 called "as porn links", Save the old city of China "เซี้ ya-โท้ว (the rub-kwua)", "love Ta mriti Ka" (Sanskrit inscriptions) that means "land of the Red Earth", which contains the. Popular Western came until the beginning of the 20th century is that "the people of Portugal assumed the Ligor" incoming trade in the early Ayutthaya period is called by distortion coming from the "metropolitan" name "name" comes from the region of the former King and reign. There is a God ", God Sri corporate sok Royal" (Royal dynasty Sri corporate sok) Means "King's majestic Angkor Hotel is excellent served justice" or "Buddhist teachings of the King City great."In the Ayutthaya period as capital of Nakhon SI thammarat as a document layer with towns in Phitsanulok city. We are a peer-level city officials adults. There is a nobility by an entry, position the cities that the Civil Division nat na Chao Phraya Sri thammarat national Wan o Hai Riya yasu decho thipdi REE yoprakrom exposed to forgive the event Hussain.
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