AEC is a development from the Association of Southeast Asia Nations, South (The Association of South East Asian Nations: ASEAN) established by the Bangkok Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) August 8, 1967, with the original founder countries, 5 countries, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand is Malaysia. Later in the year 2527 (1984) Brunei Darussalam has joined, followed by Viet Nam, to participate as members of 2538 (1995) subsequently, Laos and Myanmar to join and 2540 (1997) year 2542 (1999) Cambodia has joined as a member of the order of 10 current ASEAN as a group to make a larger economic region, with a population of nearly 500 million people combined.จากนั้นในการประชุมสุดยอดอาเซียนครั้งที่ 9 ที่อินโดนีเซีย เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2546 ผู้นำประเทศสมาชิกอาเซียนได้ตกลงกันที่จะจัดตั้งประชาคมอาเซียน (ASEAN Community) ซึ่งประกอบด้วย3 เสาหลัก คือ1.ประชาคมเศรษฐกิจอาเซียน (Asean Economic Community:AEC)2.ประชาคมสังคมและวัฒนธรรมอาเซียน (Socio-Cultural Pillar)3.ประชาคมความมั่นคงอาเซียน (Political and Security Pillar)คำขวัญของอาเซียน คือ “ One Vision, One Identity, One Community.” หนึ่งวิสัยทัศน์ หนึ่งอัตลักษณ์ หนึ่งประชาคมOriginally targeted to be set up in the last year, but later agreed 2563 (2020) slider set to speed up as the year progresses, and is important to 2558 (2015) to make the ASEAN Declaration. (ASEAN Charter), which is valid since December last year 2552 (2009) to enhance cooperation of the ASEAN into a new dimension in the creation of the community. With a strong legal basis and with support enterprise operations into those goals within a year 2558 (2015)The current ASEAN member countries include Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia 10, Philippines, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Singapore.For pillar of establishing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC or ASEAN Economic Community) within the last year, ASEAN has been moving to provide 2558 (2015) move. Services, investment, skilled labor and free up funds in the year 2550 (2007) ASEAN blueprint is to establish the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC Blueprint) is an integrated work plan is provide economic overview in towards the economic plan, which consists of the AEC in the grille a clear period of time in order to perform various measures to achieve the goal in the year so far, as well as provide flexible 2558 (2015) as member countries have agreed in advance.In the future, ASEAN + 3 will be an AEC by South Korea and China will add Japan to come in and to continue with the talks. The ASEAN + South Korea 6 Japan are China, Australia and New Zealand continue to India.
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