Culture and customs of Malaysia Many people probably know how to pray which country Malaysia is a Muslim country, with the most up to 55% of prayer is one of the religious practices in Islam. To be loyal to Allah every Muslim must pray. 5 a day each time fan du mat called the prayer means asking a religious meaning, and refers to an action that starts with b lap and end up with Saeed Alam. Salah is one of solidarity among Muslims. When the Muslims worldwide pray facing the kip-Hijjah to respect, loyalty to Allah prayer practice, is on time. Have patience and mental discipline, purity phongphaeo? Don't behave in a way something evil. Conditions similar to country Indonesia Chueng's Islamic influence of the Islands has spread into the Malay Peninsula. 55% of the Muslim population, Buddhist 13% and 25% of the population profess Christianity Hinduism Islam 7% and 4% of native cults, but turned to religions other than Islam as a problem owing to. The Government will not change the official information act in Malaysia, the Constitution, Islam is the religion of Islam and those who will have the privilege of receiving subsidies to public education, health. Childbirth wedding and funeral policies. "his chart. Assimilated Malays Malaysia is one country that is composed of a variety of ethnic. Malaysia country with territory is divided into 2 sections, the first part of the State's 11 States, located on the Malay Peninsula. There are another 2 State, located on Borneo Island, both have ethnic differences. The State is located on the Malay Peninsula consists of a large number of ethnic Chinese and ethnic Malay is 3 India. Best State, located on Borneo island. There are many dozens of ethnic tribes. In this case I ask mentions Malays in Malaysia Malays in Malaysia There are two traditions:1. the Malays who upheld the Adat Temenggong assimilated into the tradition upheld in most States of the Malay Peninsula, with the exception of the State of the nak Sam b said that diversity is a customary tradition since the early Malacca until the extended to the States in the Malay Peninsula, the tradition established by Datuk Ketemenggungan from Sumatra from the Adat Temenggong has assimilated to blend in with existing customary and therefore a law chakhue law is different, such as Melaka (Melaka Undang-Undang) rules the yo ho (Undang-Undang Johor) and rule the k da (Undang-Undang Kedah) The principle of assimilated Adat Temenggong • The penalty is what gets rewarded. • Government must take decisive power. • Tracing your heritage principle by his father (the Patriline) • The marriage will marry anyone. If not wrong according to Islamic principles. (hukum syarak) 2. the Malays that upheld traditional Minangkabau Adat assimilated or Adat Perpatih is a tradition upheld in State b and then some nak Sam มัละกา of the State author of the assimilated Datuk Nan Sebatang, which is the sister of author Ketumanggungan Datuk assimilated Adat Temenggong. Malaysia dressMalaysia is the new name (when in 1963) in Mala u. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is a Federation territory whose people lived together in multiple languages, such as Malay India, Pakistan, China, real u re Indonesia Sri Lanka hsien and tribal. Weaving in Malaysia are very thaepklantan and Terengganu which is woven fabrics by harmony gold, silver and silk into silk fabrics woven fabric as in India. Gwen Weaver in Malaysia as they migrated From Sumatra Dress vary according to the traditions of each race Women wear bright colors patterned Javanese tie-dye group of terrestrial beauty wears a shirt long sleeve u-neck to wrist. The Group has also released some men's shirts will have a thin cloth covering the head farmer like u mala shawl clothes bright colors patterned. The leaves, flowers, grown up switch coating Chinese costume, Chinese style called "Ki phao" or "groceries" sung by Fei Yu Qing is a sun flower fabric made with flashy. The Group has put on a coat and some wearing hats using the turban cloth is often as people hanging shoulder.
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