This report is part of a subject 2100301 engineering workshop (ENGINEERING PRACTICE)
summer semester of academic year 2556 contain content training report. The office at the company, ital-thai Engineering Co., Ltd
.The Department Site Engineer and expert systems. An internship in the site that province, Samut prakarn a
mainly by training begins. The 17 March 2557 to date 8 may 2557
.The time 8 39 week workday 312 hours. The content of this report as
5 separate parts: Chapter 1. Introduction discusses the purpose and the overview of performance
.Chapter 2 show details of the agency to train both set. History and administration system
Chapter 3. Show details of the work, 4
chapter The advantages problems and suggestions of on the job training
Chapter 5 supplement
.The benefit I receive from training. The office was there no matter is in the use of knowledge engineering has being. A
learned to use in real situations. Working in frog others, responsibility,, to function and rich experience!The find elsewhere finally, if in this report contains any mistakes, the organizers do apologize at here.
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