Apple (Apple) with the name Malus domestica Borkh. science that belong to the rose family (ROSACEAE), and is located in the MALOIDEAE or SPIRAEOIDEAE Antelope originated in the country of Iran. Now spread throughout Europe and America, it's not that Apple is a fruit, the city is very popular to eat cold. In Thailand, it has grown in the same vicinity, such as the DOI angkhang North by Apple, it is usually eaten as a fresh fruit is used and may be used to Cook, such as Apple sauce, salads, jams, pies, but if it is owned by Thailand, of course we use put the lime chili sauce, etc.By photna nutrition of Apple per 100 gram weight, power and 220 kcal kJ 52, and also contains vitamins and minerals that are important for the body, such as vitamin a vitamin B1. Vitamin b-2 Vitamin b-3 Vitamin b-5 Vitamin b-6 Folic acid, vitamin c, calcium, magnesium, potassium element elemental elements phosphorus. The elements zinc iron and consists of Carbohydrates, fat and protein. See each episode for the species you advantages that Apple expected worldwide, there will be approximately 4,000-5,000, close by the benefits of Apple varieties are distinctive of each varies according to the color of the Apple is.The benefits of Red Apple with antioxidant compounds per most everything to help anti aging wrinkles etc.Pink Apple is the substance that inhibits the occurrence of blemishes and helps slow down the old and ageing helps prevent bleeding by teeth? Reducing fever, inflammation, and helps reduce capillary strength.Green Apple sour-sweet taste, ideal for those who want to control the weight, because the sugar is less than Apple's other colors.Yellow apples are substances that help in reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, cataracts.
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