The current knowledge on culture management is challenging work culture, to consider the word
.Culture in the wide meaning more than in the past. Culture is not a matter of inheritance tradition alone. And not be organizing tradition festivals. There's things.
.Before discussing the management culture. We might have to talk about several problems that beset the cultural festival. And created a concept of cultural management. We try to decipher what is the problem what challenge work culture at present.These include globalization or the information or phenomena that occur in one corner of the world can affect other parts. Of the world quickly, or some people call it the borderless world such as soon.That is, the world cup, which is actually not a national sport Thai. But when the impact in various fields, whether it be of gambling, the group of fans of the national team. A prediction of football. Etc.From one hemisphere to the other side, a moving transfer Don't look that globalization makes us get current western culture only, actually our โลกตะวันตกก็, such as he received about health care. Take the yoga, anything.
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