Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia. Next to the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The total area of 678,500 square kilometers and a population of approximately 48,137,741 people in Myanmar Burma comprising many nationalities. There are many ethnic groups, including Burmese ethnic groups, 68 percent, 9 percent, Shan, Karen, 4 percent, 3 percent Shin, India 2 percent, 2 percent and Mon ethnic groups with their own languages. The population is 89 percent Buddhist. Besides Christianity, Islam and other
counties are divided into seven zones and seven states ruled by the military under the leadership of the Council for Peace and Development of State (SPDC) city is Yangon (Rangoon) and new capital is. City of Saginaw Bay off
Myanmar official currency exchange rate of 1 US dollar equals 1000 kyat 34-35 baht, equivalent to one US dollar
, Myanmar is an agricultural country. The agricultural sector now accounts for gross domestic product or GDP (Gross Domestic Product: GDP) Region in the
agrarian sector
of government. Myanmar's military efforts to promote increased agricultural productivity. With support for the reclamation and restoration of land to the production. Encourage private investors Promote exports of Myanmar, including five consecutive major
rice exporting agricultural products of the country. But farmers are not encouraged to grow as shortages of fertilizer and seed, good crop. Including restrictions on the use of irrigation water are important factors as
grain. By sending them to India, most
, teak and hardwood. It is the third largest exporter of agricultural products. And increase the amount of logging concessions
fishery products. Especially agricultural products, fish and shrimp exports rank fourth. China and Thailand are in need of huge
industry. Money is important, now including the fishing industry. Furniture or products made from wood and clothing is evolving from the opening. The promotion of foreign investment. And encourage private sector investment in agriculture. Light industry and transport is noteworthy that. Private investors are very close and have been entrusted by the government as well. For heavy industry Government approval 3 of foreign investment projects in oil and gas, mining, China has contracted to purchase natural gas from Myanmar. The transit gas pipeline from Myanmar to Yunnan. Investment to build the gas pipeline will be a significant revenue to the military government of Myanmar
, however, the industry GDP ratio is still very low. Because of trade sanctions from countries where human rights violations by
the service sector
to foreign tourists traveling to Myanmar is very small compared to tourists in Thailand. Important factors that make tourism in Burma is ineffective. The image intensity of the protesters and the SPDC. Stricter in issuing visas And trade sanctions
, Myanmar has a trade surplus. Which means that exports over imports,
imports of
Burmese goods imported from China is number one. And this is increasing rapidly, followed by Singapore and Thailand imported goods, including goods such as machinery, transport equipment, raw materials manufacturing, etc., especially in the year 2552 this import are greatly needed to. Development Marquis left after storms swept through the area south of Myanmar, including Myanmar, also needs to adopt a new capital city, "Ney Year Dawn" with
Thailand is a major exporter of Myanmar. With 44.7 percent of total exports. India, followed by China, Japan, the European Union
is a major exporter of natural gas, which grew into the country. And up to four times during the years 2548-2549 and is a key country in importing gas from Myanmar. And gas exports have increased dramatically after natural gas project. Burma is the project of two large pharmaceutical and Calle Granada, well in the Gulf of Martaban. And the Bay of Bengal As a result, Burma's natural gas production and exports have continued since 2533, however, during the year 2552 this export natural gas fell. Since Thailand is a major market There is no need to use less gas. Including the impact of the oil crisis world.
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