3.4 to strengthen rational thought and initiative to solve the issue effectively (Thinking, Creative Thinking, Reasoning and Problem Solving). Personality is a unique treasure, also no one has exactly the same personality. The best personality but whether it will make a better personality?Types of good personality should be updated. Personality can improve the development of the personality, especially in someone who has a chance to speak, speaking frequently to make the person can develop a personality. There are people who think chunky self like a low black complexes, I will obviously not saying baldness cause a lack of confidence in ourselves. Make it impossible to go out. Speaking in front of the public. But if these people have developed themselves to reduce their complexes by surprising and encouraged them to listen to the speech training. Can freeze listeners, it is equal to the clues and create complexes can be reduced, with their own. Will cause a self-confidence in the Suez?Personality development That we will have a good personality, summoned to update changes. Just outside with dress or behaviour that show only. If you need to update or develop personality within the first as a preliminary to the development of the personality, the external success. Therefore, This suggests that, in essence, to lead in the development of the personality, integrity. In a separate development, the personality characteristics of two important characteristics as follows: 1. personality development (Internal Personality) is necessary, we will need to develop a personality that people inside the first. To lead to external personality or practices. In correctly with appropriate to their status. Our contact person environment, the circumstances involved. The idea of setting a world view. Timeliness, etc, because these factors will determine the attitude. Behaviors that we demonstrate posture verbs in various aspects of the other person to see and recognize that we have a personality assessment, including how the essence of personality within the (Internal Personality) that we will need to develop, are as follows: -To build confidence in yourself. -Enthusiasm. -Knowledge -The initiative -Sincerity -Timeliness, knowledge -Quickness of cunning. -Responsibility -Memory. -Humor -Integrity
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