Good agricultural practices and proper (Good Agriculture Practices get yo that GAP).Refer to the guidelines in order to obtain the output of agricultural quality standards that define high-yield and investment value of the production process must be safe against farmers and consumers. The resource has been used maximum benefit. Sustainable agriculture and do not cause environmental pollution. By this principle is defined by the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Thailand is the country of the GAP guidelines applied as follows: Good agricultural practices for plants (Good Agriculture Practices: GAP) of the Department of agriculture and Department of rice aimed at contributing to the process of producing a safe product. Free from pests and quality are at the consumer's satisfaction. Contains the story of water The area planted. The use of hazardous products Storage and transport productivity within conversion. Recording, production, pest management, from the production process to achieve quality and productivity and practice after the harvest.Good agricultural practices for livestock (Good Agriculture Practices: GAP) of the Department of livestock development is the basis of good agricultural practices (GAP for the animals) for the animals used to raise the animals in Thailand and countries in order to provide farmers, animal. Consumer foods derived from animals, and the environment is secure.Good agricultural practices for aquaculture (Good Agriculture Practices: GAP) of the Department of fisheries, fishery practices for animal farm (GAP for aquaculture) is part of the standards and guidelines for the route. Productivity and fishery products.For Thailand Department of Agriculture Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the authority that is responsible for the certification of the quality management system: agricultural practices (GAP), good for plants by defined specifications. The rules and methods of assessment which is based on the principle that conforms to the international GAP according to the standards of the country's farm-level production plants. As well as the Guide to the domestication of plants by GAP for Thailand's important number types consists of 24.The fruit durian, longan, pineapple, grapefruit and mango Tangerine tomato vegetables asparagus. Chinese broccoli, onion, cabbage and string beans with peas, pepper. Phase babycorn vegetables. Onion blossom and Orchid cut flowers fragrant red flowers and pathum come. Other plants are coffee, cassava and rubber Robusta. To check the GAP of the DOA system is divided into 3 levels:1. the process of producing a safe product.2. the process is safe and secure from the pests produces.3. production process produces safe, free from pests and quality are at the consumer's satisfaction. หลักเกณฑ์ และวิธีการตรวจประเมินรับรองฟาร์ม GAP ข้อกำหนด หลักเกณฑ์และวิธีการตรวจประเมินที่ใช้ในการตรวจรับรองฟาร์ม GAP ทั้ง 3 ระดับ ประกอบด้วยข้อมูล ดังนี้ลำดับข้อกำหนดเกณฑ์ที่กำหนดวิธีการตรวจประเมิน1. แหล่งน้ำ - น้ำที่ใช้ต้องได้จากแหล่งที่ไม่มีสภาพแวดล้อมซึ่งก่อให้เกิดการปนเปื้อนวัตถุอันตรายและจุลินทรีย์ - ตรวจพินิจสภาพแวดล้อมหากอยู่ในสภาวะเสี่ยงให้ตรวจสอบและวิเคราะห์คุณภาพน้ำ2. the area of planted area with no-hazardous material and microorganisms that cause the residues or contamination in produce-audit to examine the environment. If you are vulnerable, monitoring and analysis of soil.3. use of hazardous products -If you are using chemicals in the manufacturing process, use the instructions or the instructions of the Department of agriculture or the label registration with the Department of agriculture. The Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives-Require the use of chemicals in accordance with the list.-Do not use the hazardous material specified in the hazardous products that do not use.-Check the places keep hazardous products-Chemical markets and partners, allows the user to save data using hazardous products and analytical sample toxins residues in produce in case of doubt.4. storage and transport productivity within conversion. -Storage location must be clean. Air well and can prevent the contamination of foreign objects. Hazardous material and transmit the-Devices and carriers to transport clean, free of contamination, what hazards that affect security in the consumed.-Must be produces moving carefully.-To examine the device around the container and the method of transportation productivity.5. save the data. -The information must be recorded on the use of hazardous products.-Requires extensive surveys and pest protection co., Ltd.-Must have a quality management, productivity.-Check the saved information of farmers, according to the save data.6. production from pest-harvest produce. Must not be mounted if the pest was found to separate? -Check the save data to survey the enemy and prevent removal.-To examine the results of screening7. managing the production process to achieve productivity, quality. -Operating and managing the production control plan-Extraction produces bad.-Check the operating data recording and quality management, productivity.-To examine the results of screening8. harvest and postharvest practices -Harvest results in the appropriate period according to the criteria in the production control plan.-Equipment used in harvesting Container and method for harvesting must be clean, without compromise on quality of productivity and contamination hazard stuff that can affect the safety consumed.-Check the record harvest and postharvest practices-To examine the device. Container The procedure and method of harvest.
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