Then a new coat of paint on down to be mixed color way and ratio of manufacturer set
.Storage of iron. Should be placed above the ground and are in a dry should supply the material covered entirely to prevent water and moisture can cause iron rust
.Care not to iron rust. Should be painted with rust prevention and should be. Selected to suit the job. To work long life better by the sample color rust protection:
.(1) primer rust protection Lee fox อกซี applications should use to color fastness, such as steel pole high buildings near the sea plane. Steel with high price!(2) primer rust protection al capacity of resin. Most widely used to prevent rust well enough to the flexibility of the good, to withstand the friction and scrape, moderate, easy to use, cheap!3 rust paint colors may have deteriorated with time use and what the rust and spread continuously eat meat should be painted iron rust. Before the structure of the steel will be more and more.
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