The domain for the domain (English: the dodo) is a local bird found only on the islands of Mauritius, in the ocean, India is a bird that does not belong to the same family, scientific name, is that pigeon Raphus cucullatus.In the years since the people of Portugal as their European 2048 first found and just about a year since it's 2224 extinction by humans, including dogs, monkeys, mice latest pork imported by the Europeans.The domain domain is not only a single type of birds in Mauritius that extinction in this century. From more than 45 types of birds that are found on the island, with only 21 survive. type. Two types of birds, which is closer to the domain, the domain was extinct, is (Raphus solitarius) is about Reunion solitaire in 2289 and Rodrigues solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria) for about a decade since 1970, when William, 2333 kipbon 2533 brings up a search on his expedition on the island of Mauritius, but no one was found, so the announcement to extinction.
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