The changes of the way วตัถุ is wathan goes faster than its fair wathan this due the people accept the way of วตัถุง่า, except that the wathan culture philosophy thinking ลทัธินิ Yom assimilated to one side, out of which more than justified wathan ngue wathan Dharma. Fatigue occurs through so-called wathan (Cultural Lag) occurs, when fatigue through social justice khanue wathan will make the life of people confused. Not be operating and damage because of the ผ้คูนไม่ it may be that discrimination should be annulled, however the appropriately thaku. Grilled ตวัอ fatigue through justice, we have to do น่ wathan automobiles in 2000, there are no good driving manners, ethics khon is causing problems, traffic. Mao birth and emergence occurs, exploitation or กนัห is good, but the tools we use are not causing damage to property and may receive any body ตอ่ร่าง anat list.
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