2.3.2 peoples without states according to the law or stateless, stateless children
.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee - UNHCR definition of "people without the state according to the rules, literally" (de jure stateless) that is, who were not counted as is. 'national' (nationals) by the law of any state. There are many people in the world are millions' peoples without states according to facts' (de facto.Due to a displaced persons that cannot be returned to their country or cannot prove their nationality. Or waiting to prove citizenship, despite being a citizen of the state, but not protected protection from the state.'people, stateless' (nationality-less). It makes peoples without states are storage live in burden was fragile and have the opportunity to be exploited, right after a benefit, and discrimination, (kritaya2554)
stateless people (stateless person) means that person can not determine who is a member of any country status. Whether or not there are any country that is a member of the country, which includes the
.The legal status and rights in limited space travel outside the area they are limited. Only to the extent that defined (player 2550),
.The child stateless. In the study area, mon village sangkhla Buri. Children stateless or peoples without states in the area of not be able to walk out of the area, defined. In addition to permission from. In the first, a trip to the village.In order to check point the car of the local people or cars of the tourists. In order to check smuggling out to areas, which are considered illegal. People are stateless or stateless children this group as bound in the area.By compared with the people who can not go out to the world, or go out and find good lifestyle than a large number of people, not less. At risk from the area to come to work as a labor. In the city, hoping to find a better life.Just because they are stateless people and there is no way too much.
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