- honey, the benefits of honey 54 questions!!
.- honey, the benefits of honey 54 questions!!
.Therefore, to specify the type of honey according to the type of the plant, such as the honey from the flowers, orange, longan flower flowers litchi will vary, which used as sweetener in food or beverages of
.Honey (Honey) is the output of the nectar from flowers, and from other sources that worker bees bring collection. Through the stages of change for physical and chemical and accumulate in the hive. Usually the honey smell, taste, color.The benefits of honey. That variety because of honey, a mixture of sugar and other compounds Which are mainly fructose and glucose. Vitamins and minerals and is mixed with such as vitamin riboflavin niacin, vitamin B 5.Vitamin C calcium magnesium element sodium potassium phosphorus phosphorus iron elements, copper, zinc,Honey facial mask with help to look good, smooth and gentle wash finish to take half a banana. The ground is mixed with honey and mixed at front left about 15 minutes then rinse
1 benefits honey. Help adding freshness to the body
2. Contains anti-oxidants help anti-aging
3.? To help reduce and prevent wrinkles, 4
. Nourish the skin radiant. Look healthy natural
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