The castle is built from wood, all of which are different to other countries Japan castle with a stone base within New Castle fortress at choprakop, with a two-ring formation, and there are many Japan-style garden construction in 1569. Inside the wall are closed rongboriwen gold throne with splendid craftsmanship. Reflecting the power of the Shogun in Edo era Wooden terrace that connects with the new no-fi, then come the heavy meals. There is a technique to create a non-nail in anchor surface. When people overstep into to make it sound like the sound of wood bird Niagara marketing jungle. The tropical southern Castle is located next to the "new GI Joe-naya" which was originally the wealthy people, but is however soon became the first business for the female wahua cities into rice Shogun. The inside is filled with secret doors, mechanical rooms and plenty of choice.
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