Essence of TFIOS, then grab the title "death" came as the core of the movie is quite deep; Whether it's the character's funeral scene heroine, saying "the funeral held for the men from the us. If it is held for people who still continue to live separately, "in which it reflects, we saw how to moan with a hum, the loss should not be taken as an obstacle to life. The death which occurred, they are around us. The death of people surrounding it is one thing to have happen to us as well, not for any one day. The State of mind to know that cellular death. Reflecting the audience "that exists in life every day", rewarding as possible. What do we tear Rin (and not just single scenes of this movie), it is the story of heroine at the scene tried to walk up to see the home of Ann? Frank, who has no elevator, but the stairs to climb high up at the chan didn't make her a long match, but she continued to insist that they take up oxygen tanks carry a parallel with her. It was a scene that we just help and feel a small triumph of humanity to "overcome" At the heart of the beautiful itself.
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