การอภิปรายผลการวิจัย1 ความรู้เกี่ยวกับเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ด้านผลกระทบต การแปล - การอภิปรายผลการวิจัย1 ความรู้เกี่ยวกับเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ด้านผลกระทบต อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

การอภิปรายผลการวิจัย1 ความรู้เกี่ยว

1 ความรู้เกี่ยวกับเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ด้านผลกระทบต่อสุขภาพ
ผลการศึกษาพบว่า ภายหลังการทดลองเมื่อศึกษาตามช่วงเวลาที่ต่างกัน ได้แก่ ก่อนการทดลองและหลังการทดลอง กลุ่มทดลองและกลุ่มเปรียบเทียบมีคะแนนเฉลี่ยความรู้เกี่ยวกับเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ด้านผลกระทบต่อสุขภาพที่แตกต่างกันอย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติ(t-test=9.775,p
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Discussion of research results.1. knowledge about alcohol health impact side.The study found that after the experiment when studying at different intervals include before and after experimental trials. Experimental group and the comparison group have an average score of knowledge about alcohol side effects on health that significantly different statistically (p = .001 < t-test, 9.775).Before the experiments. Experimental group and the comparison group have an average score of knowledge about alcohol health impact side similar (p = .203) The part after the experiment. Found that the experimental Group score higher, but the comparative value of b decreases score. Comparison between the experimental group later trial and comparison groups. It found that the average score of the Group had knowledge about alcohol health impact side higher than the comparison group, statistically significant (p = .000. The table 4.2.7) based on the assumption that the text 1.1. In comparison, the average score for the knowledge about alcohol health impact side in the trial group. Stage before the trial and after trial, found that the average points score after the experimental knowledge about alcohol side effects on health were higher than before the trial was statistically significant (p < .001. The table 4.2.5). Shows whether the results of the program to reduce alcohol consumption habits in adulthood can increase knowledge about alcohol side effects on health. By research, knowledge, knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health using a sheet of presentation (power point) and a video of the National Health Bureau (UCL) The subject of alcohol, combined with reduced drinking program guide books, topics, knowledge about health effects, by teaching content contains. Nervous system effects and other side effects, such as body temperature, kidneys, liver, endocrine, etc. Impact on health, causing traffic accidents and use process groups together, answer questions, and exchange of knowledge about the health effects on the 1st task causes the adult population with alcohol habits, understanding of alcoholic beverages increased health effects side. Result the average rating after the experiment with higher scores. Comparison group scores decreased in later stage trials. The study is consistent with the concepts, information, news. Motivation and skills of Fisher and Fisher who said that news that will make success can increase knowledge about it to news and information that are specific in that section only (J.D&Fisher, 1992: Fisher W.D 463-464) and corresponds to the.A study of ngakhon's phakhom and sawanya (2552 (2009)) found that programs to prevent alcohol, that is, knowledge of alcohol, it can cause the average knowledge scores increased after the trial, as well as the study of the ekachai together tha Wong (2558 (2015)) found that knowledge about the.Alcoholic drinks through the audio line is scoring average knowledge about drinking alcohol after more trials, including studies of the corresponding M Fleming Brown, D. (2004), MF, MT, Kunz S French Bazargan-Hejazi. (2004), Lock et al, CA. (2006). education about reducing behaviours of alcohol in various formats, e.g., knowledge, distributed a booklet to learn about alcohol and drinking to discover that after education can increase knowledge about alcohol.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Discussing the findings
1 Knowledge about the health effects of alcohol,
the study found. After the trial period, according to the study at different times, including before and after the experiment. The experimental group and the control group had an average score of knowledge about the health effects of alcohol, the difference is statistically significant (t-test = 9.775, p <.001)
before the trial. The experimental group and the control group had an average score of knowledge about alcohol and health effects was similar (p = .203) after the trial showed that the experimental group scored higher, but the vantage points lower tier bed. down Comparison between the experimental group and the control group showed that the experimental group had an average score of knowledge about the health effects of alcohol than the control group was statistically significant (p = .000. Table 4.2.7), which is based on an assumption of 1.1
points compared to the average knowledge about alcohol and health effects in the experimental group. Long before the experiment and after the experiment. After experimenting with the average score of knowledge about the health effects of alcohol than before the experiment was statistically significant (p <.001. Table 4.2.5) shows that. The results of the program to reduce alcohol drinking habits in adulthood can increase knowledge about alcohol and its effect on health. The research has provided knowledge about the knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health, using sheets, presentations (power point), and a video of the Office of Health, National (SSS). Blame the alcohol. program booklets with lower drinking threads of knowledge about health consequences include the content of teaching. Effects on the nervous system Other side effects Body temperature, kidney, liver, endocrine effects on health, causing a traffic accident. Group process and answer questions and share knowledge about the health implications. As one leaves that make adults with behavioral alcohol have a deep understanding of the health effects of alcohol increases. As a result, the average post-test scores soared. The control group had lower scores in the experimental
study is consistent with the idea of providing information. Motivation And the acquisition of Fisher and Fisher said that the information that can successfully increase the knowledge that is required is the information that is specific to the deficit only (Fisher JD & Fisher WD, 1992. : 463-464) and in accordance with the study of Woodlands. Photo glory of the sacred and colleagues (2552) found that programs to prevent alcohol with knowledge about the harms of alcohol can make the average increase in knowledge after the trial. As well as the study of Ekachai. Well Methodism Wong (2558) found that education about alcohol through a line that can make the average knowledge about drinking alcohol after treatment increases. Including compliance with the study of Fleming M, Brown D. (2004), Kunz MF, French MT, Bazargan-Hejazi S. (2004), Lock CA, et al. (2006). Study on reducing behavior. drinking alcohol in different ways, for example. Awareness Distributed booklets about the ways to reduce alcohol and drinking after a study found that increased knowledge about alcohol.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Discussion on the findings.1 knowledge about alcohol and health effects.The study found that After the experiment, when a study based on the different period: before and after the treatment. The experimental group and the comparison group had significantly better knowledge about the health effects of alcohol were significantly different, t-test = 9.775 P <. 001).By the experiment. The experimental group and the comparison group had significantly better knowledge about alcohol and health effects similar (P =. 203) the experiment. It was found that the experimental group scored significantly increase but has rate decreased. Compared to later trials between the experimental group and the comparison group, it was found that the group test scores ลองมี knowledge about alcohol and health effects than the comparison group significantly (P =. 000. Table 4.2.7), which according to the assumption 1.1.When comparing the score of knowledge about the health effects of alcohol group trial. Phase before and after the experiment found that After the experiment, the average score of knowledge about alcohol, the impact on health than before the purpose (P <. 001. Table 4.2.5) shows that Effect of reducing alcohol drinking behavior in young adults can increase knowledge about alcohol and health effects. The results provide knowledge about knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health by using a sheet of presentation (power point). Video of the National Health Promotion Office (UCL). The blame of alcohol with booklets program reduced drinking topic knowledge about health effects by teaching content includes The effects on the nervous system, the impact on the other side such as temperature, kidney, liver, endocrine system, etc. health effect, causing a traffic accident. And the group process together answer and exchange knowledge about the impact.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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