สวัสดีทีรักวันนี้คุณเป็นอย่างไรบ้างสบายดีหรือเปล่าคุณเงียบไปไม่เห็นตอบ การแปล - สวัสดีทีรักวันนี้คุณเป็นอย่างไรบ้างสบายดีหรือเปล่าคุณเงียบไปไม่เห็นตอบ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Hello, today I love it as well?? you quiet to not respond to mail me at all, you have a problem with anything on this or that so much of our success is the mosquito khaphap ngai also tends to be very worried, I don't want to silence you, go like this at all.Or if you don't like it don't love me, then what is it tell me I have received same trong it if you think I don't use property you like and it does not matter for me very glad t see you by mail thanks mak for di State t write to each other feeling di suite.In the past, I will never forget it, but even if you forget it, and I will block ngai buy an animal with you to keep you always in my life, wai did not have reasonable hope for anyone already love born khuen. with everyone, but it will be at least double the bet diya kikhon.To last a lifetime here, I ask you to have a good life with a good success to a distinctive khaphap kakap ngai was also working to take care of themselves?! I love and always khuet to you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hello love today how are you good or you quietly disagreed replying me you have a problem or whether the work is more mosquito is available on your Onge what I was worried a lot. I do not want you to quiet this thing or that you do not like do not love me, what was said exactly has it for me to pick it up if you think I'm not aware of people that you like and it does not matter, for I am glad. good to see you the letter I had written to each other for the good feelings in the past, I will never forget it, even if you forget to cover me, I would love. Buy your pet with you to keep them in mind for my life, no one is unrequited love caused reservoirs to anyone, but there are a few people who are abreast with modern life is finally here, I'm asking. you have a great life with a good picture into a big fight going on with the work that I love and care for myself Signup to you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hi baby how are you today how are you quiet didn't reply to me you have any problem or work this way many mosquitoes happy your picture how I care about you มากไม่อ want you quiet like this oneOr that you don't love me, then what is told over million for I can accept it if you think I'm not long for the person you like, then I'm so glad to see you for the letter, thank you very much for the company สิงดีฯ wrote to ความรู้สึกดีฯThe year I'll never forget it, although you will forget how I will love and buy animal shelter with you to keep you in mind in life I fulfilled who already love เกิดขื in it with ทุกคนแต่ have สักกี who will เดิย closelyFor your whole life in the end this I ask you to live a good life is the good health is very high work also was to take care of yourself, love and miss you always
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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