My cat, Mimi is very interesting and she is fun to watch. I love my Mimi so much I would do anything for her.
Mimi is multi-colored, dark and light brown, black, gray, and white. The colors are in no particular pattern, though. They are just scattered everywhere and I think that it is very pretty. She has dark green eyes, but sometimes they change colors and are blue. On Mimi’s stomach and chin she is completely white. That is my favorite part of her because it is so soft, warm, and beautiful. Her legs are also white and her paws are black and white. I think that this mixture of colors is very beautiful.
Even though Mimi is really sweet to us, she can be mean sometimes. If you pick her up the wrong way, pet her fur in the wrong direction, hit her, kick her, or squeeze her, she will scratch you. When Mimi scratches you, it hurts very badly and it will leave a scar, but it will go away soon. Once she scratches you, she will run off and sometimes you get a double scratch because whenever she jumps off of you, her hind legs can scratch you also. Those hurt the worse because she’s running off at the same time so the scratch is fast and long.
Mimi can also be the sweetest cat ever. If you pick her up and scratch under her chin, or behind her ears, she will be very nice to you. She will start to purr, squint her eyes, and rub up against you. Whenever one of us leaves the house, Mimi will go into that person’s room and lay all over their clothes and bed and she sheds very bad. Once you come home she will either be sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window and waiting for you, or she will be in your room asleep on your bed. When you pick Mimi up after she has been asleep, the side she was laying on is very warm.
When the springtime comes, Mimi gets springtime fever, since she’s an inside cat. She will go to the door, sit, and watch out the window. Then whenever we are leaving she will
My cat, Mimi is very interesting and she is fun to watch. I love my Mimi so much I would do anything for her.Mimi is multi-colored, dark and light brown, black, gray, and white. The colors are in no particular pattern, though. They are just scattered everywhere and I think that it is very pretty. She has dark green eyes, but sometimes they change colors and are blue. On Mimi’s stomach and chin she is completely white. That is my favorite part of her because it is so soft, warm, and beautiful. Her legs are also white and her paws are black and white. I think that this mixture of colors is very beautiful.Even though Mimi is really sweet to us, she can be mean sometimes. If you pick her up the wrong way, pet her fur in the wrong direction, hit her, kick her, or squeeze her, she will scratch you. When Mimi scratches you, it hurts very badly and it will leave a scar, but it will go away soon. Once she scratches you, she will run off and sometimes you get a double scratch because whenever she jumps off of you, her hind legs can scratch you also. Those hurt the worse because she’s running off at the same time so the scratch is fast and long.Mimi can also be the sweetest cat ever. If you pick her up and scratch under her chin, or behind her ears, she will be very nice to you. She will start to purr, squint her eyes, and rub up against you. Whenever one of us leaves the house, Mimi will go into that person’s room and lay all over their clothes and bed and she sheds very bad. Once you come home she will either be sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window and waiting for you, or she will be in your room asleep on your bed. When you pick Mimi up after she has been asleep, the side she was laying on is very warm.When the springtime comes, Mimi gets springtime fever, since she’s an inside cat. She will go to the door, sit, and watch out the window. Then whenever we are leaving she will
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My cat, Mimi is very interesting and she is fun to watch. I Love My Mimi so much I would do anything for Her. Mimi is Multi-colored, Dark and Light Brown, Black, Gray, and White. The colors are in no particular pattern, though. They are just scattered everywhere and I think that it is very pretty. She has dark green eyes, but sometimes they change colors and are blue. On Mimiâ € ™ s stomach and chin she is completely white. That is my favorite part of her because it is so soft, warm, and beautiful. Her legs are also white and her paws are black and white. I Think that this mixture of Colors is very Beautiful. Even though Mimi is Really Sweet to US, She Can be Mean sometimes. If you pick her up the wrong way, pet her fur in the wrong direction, hit her, kick her, or squeeze her, she will scratch you. When Mimi scratches you, it hurts very badly and it will leave a scar, but it will go away soon. Once she scratches you, she will run off and sometimes you get a double scratch because whenever she jumps off of you, her hind legs can scratch you also. Those sheâ € ™ s Hurt the worse because running off at the Same time the Scratch is so fast and long. Mimi Can also be the Sweetest Ever CAT. If you pick her up and scratch under her chin, or behind her ears, she will be very nice to you. She will start to purr, squint her eyes, and rub up against you. Whenever one of us leaves the house, Mimi will go into that personâ € ™ s room and lay all over their clothes and bed and she sheds very bad. Once you come home she will either be sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window and waiting for you, or she will be in your room asleep on your bed. You Pick up after when Mimi She has been asleep, was Laying on the Side She is very Warm. When the springtime comes, Mimi Gets springtime Fever, since sheâ € ™ s an Inside CAT. She will go to the door, sit, and watch out the window. Then whenever we are leaving she will.
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My cat Mimi is, very interesting and she is fun to watch. I love my Mimi so much I would do anything for her.
Mimi is. Multi-colored dark and, light brown black gray and,,, white. The colors are in no, particular pattern though. They are just. Scattered everywhere and I think that it is very pretty. She has dark green eyes but sometimes, they change colors and are. Blue.On Mimi â euros ™ s stomach and chin she is completely white. That is my favorite part of her because it is so soft warm and,,, Beautiful. Her legs are also white and her paws are black and white. I think that this mixture of colors is very beautiful.
Even. Though Mimi is really sweet to us she can, be mean sometimes. If you pick her up the wrong way pet her, fur in the wrong. Direction hit her,,Kick her or her she, squeeze, will scratch you. When Mimi scratches you it hurts, very badly and it will leave, a scar. But it will go away soon. Once she scratches you she will, run off and sometimes you get a double scratch because whenever. She jumps off of you her hind, legs can scratch you also.Those hurt the worse because she â euros ™ s running off at the same time so the scratch is fast and long.
Mimi can also be the. Sweetest cat ever. If you pick her up and scratch under her chin or behind, her ears she will, be very nice to you. She. Will start to purr squint her, eyes and rub, up against you. Whenever one of US leaves, the houseMimi will go into that person â euros ™ s room and lay all over their clothes and bed and she sheds very bad. Once you come home. She will either be sitting on the back of the couch looking out, the window and waiting for you or she, will be in your. Room asleep on your bed. When you pick Mimi up after she has, been asleep the side she was laying on is very warm.
When. The, springtime comes
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