Extraction: bring the prepared dry crunchy crust of grapefruit. Enter b in each additional solution kakoe 40 grams of dried, crushed shell ratio per solution equal to 1: 12 (w/v) to extract the temperature control in a period of 60 minutes, 95 c ˚ filter through some white cloth, 1 shelf and apply filter to extract the shell again. Apply solution that combined both. Make settling more collect pumpkins motto page 95% ethanol in aqueous solution ratio per ethanol 1: 1 (v/v) to the intense mixing people together and then leave that area temperature. A 15 hour time filter extracted sediment page 2 storey glass fabric with naphan motto Buchner funnel, along with clean sediment Plains motto pages were filled with 95% ethanol wash 3 times sludge. It allows anonymous motto acetone concentration 50% 3 times to bring dried sludge dry plains motto pages were at 60 ˚ c, then grind to a powder. Present value concepts have validity page per cent of output (% yiled) and color measurement system, ClE (L * a * b *)
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