St. Augustine spa Tony Berg (1777 - 1835) , who established the sacred wounds of Jesus Christ. Commemorate the June 12, St. Augustine Spartak. Tony Barry was born in Verona. The north of Italy, on October 9, 1777 in 1789, has caused a revolution in France. Most of the schools were closed. Homeless youth Does anyone care Moral degeneration The boy, Gus Barry Tony Parker decided to participate in "The Lady of the Messenger," a small group of young people. Founded by monks Society of Jesus in the school St. Sebastian. Devotion to the Blessed Mother continues to blossom within you. Even when later the Society of Jesus was a temporary suspension of operations. Devotion to the Mother of the youth group. Faith is the light coming from the name of this group. The consecration of the Madonna on the exposure of the Archangel. A model of pure vows inside of the group members. And to be protected from the mother at the age of 18, he decided to walk on the path of being a novice. And was ordained a priest on Saturday, September 20, 1800 and is dedicated to the Great Mass in the first measure is less of a Lady (The Nativity of Mary of Kyoto Pharmaceutical Dillard C) with the celebration of Our Lady of Mercy after. Tea has been baptized as a priest and hospital environment. You have gathered all homeless youth. And turn it into a youth center The name "Youth of the Virgin Mary" in order to give the youth of him under the protection of the Blessed Virgin. He gave them the education of youth. In terms of knowledge Moral and religious The Lady in the same group has been established by the measure in cities hundreds of items. Children and youth join the thousands of people. Create a warm glow to the rulers. And cheerfulness to those priests who pastoral spirit most of you have decided founded the sacred wounds of Jesus Christ took place on November 4, 1816 , since he was about 35 years until her death at age. nearly 76 years, the disease has been surrounded and suffered a very serious person. Through surgery is a surgical procedure in more than 300 times when there were no anesthetic. Held that the Holy Father of our Lord Jesus imitate Christ. The crucifixion closely. You will keep the Rosary, and keep it close to the customers. By kept under the pillow you use journeys. So easy to pick up the relief prayed mind when you feel pain suffered heavily from his illness. And when do you break it up with a whip and say meaningless. You can still parted lips, and exclaim, "Hail Mary" clearly. Until the last day of life Father's illness relapsed to heavy to fly. But you do what I always do, that is calling the sacred name of Jesus and Mary. And by His help The Holy Father died on the afternoon of Sunday, June 12, 1835.
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