Dear Parents 13.5.15
Just before the May Day break the Student Councils set up a collection of money to help with the relief. Work in Nepal after their terrible earthquake. After the 'no uniform day' we had collected a, fantastic 56 000 baht which. We sent on April 30th to the Red Cross. Well done and thanks to all students and their families for this great effort.
.Our Year 11 to 13 students are now well into the routine of their Cambridge, A Level AS Level and IGCSE exams. These continue. Until June 10th. Other students in secondary years 7 to 10 will have their end of year internal exams at the start of, June. Primary classes Year 2 to 6 will also take their Maths and, English assessmentsIncluding UK SATS tests to evaluate their current academic performance levels
We have had a busy start to the term with. TISAC sports events. Two weeks ago our Secondary swimming team did very well to finish second on their, TISAC competition. Winning 25 medals between them. The Primary competition took place last week but we, did not get a top 3 finish there. In. The TISAC, Badminton tournamentsCongratulations go to Ploy (Year 8) for her bronze medal in the Under 13 girls' singles and in Primary to Jasmine (Year. 6) who also got a bronze medal in the Under 11 girls' singles. In addition, to this our Primary Quiz team took in the TISAC. Primary Quiz on May 7th and came in 3rd place. Well done to all everyone who took part in all of these recent events.
As. In the past, few yearsThe School Board of Charter International School has aimed to maintain low fees and to keep any increases to a, minimum. The same applies this year with a small rise of 2.27% in fees for next year. The termly fees for the next school year are. Shown below and remember, that this fee covers all, tuition fees snack lunches and, language support classes.
Nursery. 90 000, B
KG to Year, 2 123 000 B
.Year 3 to Year, 6 128 000 B
Year 7 to, 13 155 000 B
Some events coming soon for you note are:
- Friday May 29th. Secondary. (Years 6-10) Swimming Gala at 1.30
- Wednesday June 3rd Early Years Swimming Gala at 8.30
- Wednesday June 10th Primary. (Years 1-5) Swimming Gala at 1.30
- Wednesday June 17th Art Show Opening at Yours sincerely 2.30
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