Elena Jane "El centered" kloding was born December 30, 1986, is a British musician and singer, variety of pieces. Her musical career started when she found the star music producer Mikhail bath and Frank music, she came with a. j. White is centered around the hotel, which later become the Manager selection and development and her artists. After she signed a contract with affiliated with poly resin khoet d'Or in July. 2009 who first set out in the annex for their e-p-in call option 2 El kloding trap is centered in the following year.In 2010 she was the second singer ranks survey. Sound of ... The annual BBC English and award-winning sound diffusion phapkrachai thik choi a ward in the church service in the same year ตอะ wot. Her first Studio album, the album name, lies in the 2010 debut at number one on the album include charger and 850,000 albums United Kingdom property sales in the United Kingdom. She introduced the song "your song" Elton John coming to sing new. Up the second in the United Kingdom in December 2010, and on April 29, 2011, she sings in this Royal Wedding Prince William and Catherine Middleton at the Palace of king hammer song "lies" bug in the United States in March, 2011 and second on the Billboard Hot 100 include charger and white gold level certified 5 times in the United States.Their second Studio album who chest-lasian In October 2012, "eni thing CU paphoen dahae" is the first single from the album-the second lasian launches in the United Kingdom, and the excellent album include charger after 65 weeks number one album up-top 9 Unveils lasian on Billboard 200 albums include charger-lasian de.ส์ is a new and improved version of the album released on August 23, 2013 with a single "Burns", which is the first number one single in the United Kingdom. In the job announcement, awards, Brittany ตอะ, she has been awarded the 2014 wot branch, a single female British singer to end of year. Her album sales were due to expire in 2013, 4 million albums and single 15 million single around the world.
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