This article is a presentation engine that uses compressed air emissions from industrial robot instead of petroleum fuel. Power compressed air leaving behind the empty vacuum implemented to reduce the use of fuel. With the development and improvement of engine parts, small function. The number 1 cylinder size of 150 CC to use compressed air rather than petroleum fuel. By studying the performance of compressed air engine, the base is under pressure from the wind 2-8 bar sending by the belt to rotate a ane take 60 ampere, size algorithms generate 12 volts DC power lead power battery chargers output to battery size ampere, the average spent 45 6. Hours in which an electric charge from a 220 volt AC size 60 ampere, use 5 hours charging time compared to using electrical power to recharge the batteries by engine that uses compressed air emissions from industrial robot can reduce energy consumption. A kW per hour at a time.
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