AbstractStudy on incentive factors, research, education and support factors that affect the development of the military air force officer Don Muang instrumental music. BangkokSample: military officials from Don mueang air force internal instrumental music. The number of 100 people using the accident sampling (Sampling Accident) and the tools used to collect data for research on the motivating factors for queries and support factors that affect the development of their own internal army officer Don mueang air force soldiers, instrumental music. Bangkok by analysis of data by a computer system using the program Window for SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science for Window) and Microsoft Excel.The results of hypothesis test1. motivation factors in the performance of the military air force officer Don Muang is instrumental music motivating factors in the performance of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview and a list of the top most level. By ordering the average incentive factors in descending performance as follows: The success of the job, job description and job advancement in the recognition, respect and responsibility load and, respectively.2. the factors in support of the military air force officer Don Muang is instrumental music support factors in performance of a military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview and a list of the top most level. By ordering an average factor of support operations from high to low as follows: Relative to a coworker relationship towards the bosses. Conditions of work, remuneration Salaries and benefits, and policies of the Agency, respectively.3. the development of the military air force officer Don Muang instrumental music. It was found that the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview and list the most level. By ordering the averages of their descending: self development, social development and the development of the job respectively.4. motivate and support factors, factors that affect the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview. It was found that the incentive factors in the development of their own with 5 sides and support in the development of the self has 5 sides, where there is only one factor that affects the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview. Statistical significant level of .05 by incentive is a factor of recognition, respect and support, is the policy authority. 4.1. the incentive and support factors that affect the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in the field of instrumental music, develop ourselves. It was found that the incentive factors in the development of their own with 5 sides and support in the development of the self has 5 sides, where there is only one factor that affects the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview. Statistical significant level of .05 by persuading factor is the success of the work and support is the policy authority.4.2. the factors that motivate and support factors affect the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in the instrumental music to develop the incentive factor found in self improvement with 5 sides and support in the development of the self has 5 sides, where there is only one factor that affects the development of the military air force officer Don Muang in instrumental music overview. Statistical significant level of .05 by incentive is a factor of recognition, respect and support, is the policy authority.4.3. ปัจจัยจูงใจและปัจจัยเกื้อหนุนที่ส่งผลต่อการพัฒนาตนเองของเจ้าหน้าที่กองดุริยางค์ทหารอากาศดอนเมืองใน ด้านการพัฒนาสังคม พบว่า ปัจจัยจูงใจในกาพัฒนาตนเองมี 5 ด้าน และปัจจัยเกื้อหนุนในการพัฒนาตนเองมี 5 ด้าน ซึ่งมีเพียงปัจจัยละ 1 ด้านที่ส่งผลต่อการพัฒนาตนเองของเจ้าหน้าที่กองดุริยางค์ทหารอากาศดอนเมืองในภาพรวม อย่างมีนัยสำคัญทางสถิติที่ ระดับ .05 โดยปัจจัยจูงใจ คือ การได้รับการยอมรับนับถือ และปัจจัยเกื้อหนุน คือ ความสัมพันธ์ ของผู้ร่วมงาน
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