Table tennis history. History of table tennis (data from the Thai national sport.)As there is evidence of sufficient note, research. We know that sport table tennis began in England In 1890, in the times. A device used to play consists of wood, leather, animal, similar to today's tennis. But if instead of canvas with leather strips, use tendons shrouded instead. The ball hit a celluloid ball Time to hit the impact was basically sound, and also wood "pik-host", so. This sport is called by one voice heard as the "ping pong" (PINGPONG) subsequently, it has been an evolution, with wooden animal skin was changed to wood instead. Who has played widely in European countries. How to play in Europe is beginning to play a pressure and support (BLOCKING), the press (PUSHING), which subsequently developed into the play, BLOCKING, and the CROP is cut off in this way, the play itself is a way of playing that is most popular in Europe and is very prevalent in various countries across Europe. The match had a wooden match stick style is a wood handle 2 on hand (SHAKEHAND) which we called "the catch" and European style wood handle Grip Pen (PEN-HOLDER), which we called "Chinese style" wood handle 7. In the year 1900, began to appear, there is a rubber stick, wood grain, table tennis to play. So, how to play a defensive or attacking the invasion (ATTRACK or OFFENSIVE) began to play a role even more and this era is the era of Mr. Wittoe and bar (VICTOR BARNA) truly is a world champion Hungary people category placement team includes 7 single males and 5 times in the last year, 1929-1935, with the exception of the year 1931 was only a secondary position. In this era of playback devices, especially bamboo looks similar to a wood now. How to play just the same as there are both offensive (ATTRACK) and receiving (DEFENDIVE) both the FOREHAND and BACKHAND to capture the SHAKEHAND grip, wooden would be. Therefore, when the majority of European style wood handle. The trend is holding a wooden PENHOLDER that very little has changed in the Yun, In Europe, the term is considered to be the center of a real table tennis. In the year 1922 was a trading company, sports to registered trade marks as "PINGPONG" for this reason, this sport is the name of a "TABLE TENNIS" is not able to use the name he registered one, and not to advertise another item, and then, in 1926, there was a meeting, established an international table tennis Federation (ITTF TABLETENNIS: INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION) held in London in December 1926, after an initial consultation with DR. GEORG LEHMANN of Germany. In January 1926 in Berlin this year myself, world table tennis competition was 1, it began with the establishment of sahaphan with Mr. Iwo looks first to be President of the eyes during the year 1940 also with wooden handle and enough seamless 3 look like this: 1. the wood handle is holding the hand. 2. wood to rubber granule 3. how to play the basic method is to get the most. This is also the era "the age of Europe", as always. In the year 1950, it began as the era of Japan, where there are real effects, the following routine: 1. the ball hard and precise delay 2. using tempo beats of the feet
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