Performance comparison of filtration of grass species. The objective of this study was to 3 1. To study the filtration efficiency of different grass, much less how 2.To reduce the breeding of Aedes or animal vectors that brought various diseases. 3. To help improve the water conservation and river clean, using 3 grass species, namely 1.Grass, the grass amphibious stem hairy by questions and the leaf is long hair, Fu noticeable resistance to weather the breed easily 2.Cynodon dactylon, a stem is a and roots grow. Propagation by means of seed branches, roots and broken stems along the ground to grow, grow well in most types of soil. Cynodon dactylon often found in dry regions. "On the street.Bear and flood Tang can be grown in saline soil 3.Vetiver grass, a grass that grows a tight. Pure trunk is small hiding in leaf area). The roots spray under the ground and fragrant, often found in large groups, or spread กันแต่ not very far.The bud off a side around together. We will find the grass was open. Especially in areas with high humidity, or near water, the results of this experiment showed that the grass,8 is base. Cynodon dactylon when using ดษษ litmus paper dipped in water through filtration and grass is pH equal value 7 appear neutral. And the grass when using ดษษ litmus paper dipped in water through filtration and appear as grass is pHThe acid
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