The ideal size is chiwon w 4 6 elbow elbow length of 5 inches wide, and anuwat 2 inch and a half wide Gai XI. Cut into 5 chiwon khanIntroduction to measure elbow of a few inches long to rule before that. When the measurement has been taken, and then remove the 6 cubit is the length of the multiplication chiwon. When multiplying?, the waste of space the Quran Quran one wider 4 si XI 2 XI, 4 inch and a half of the Quran is equal to 10 inches per side, 2 5 inch 2 anuwat is 10 inches plus the Quran Quran 4 XI XI's 20-inch to fit space.The 20-inch to remove all the length of chiwon. When deleted, the remaining 5 khan Division. When the results, remove the 5-inch anuwat mabuak?, the width of the rim on both sides, khan khan 2 medium with 2 side include Simeon the Quran 5 inches, remove the 5 numbers are divisible by 5 khan of khan Center.2 the child khan a is an intermediate in both the 2 sides with a 2 inch and a half per Gai XI 2 a 5 inch to remove khan 2-inch half goes to the beginning, it's divisible by 5 khan is the width of the padding 2 when khan was cut into the khan khan is 5 but then, fold the khan (is 5 pieces of cloth cut.) 5 khan is a 3 section, cut off at the middle section and then Reuben thaku cut Gai XI. Now, do not cut through the Quran Quran cuts XI XI XI, cutting through at first thaku. Because if you cut through the Quran before it will take doesn't Reuben. Time to remove all the stitches next to each other, khan 5 come, we should be careful not to get that all contained 5 khan.
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