Tokyo has a history long flourished as the capital of Japan from the year 1603 the Tokushima Kanagawa self Mie STM tip of Suez as Shogun in 1623 and named the capital city that Edo. At present, with a population of 13 million people, Tokyo is the largest Prefecture in Japan's 47 provinces, and the number is the largest metropolis of the world. Tokyo consists of the 23 special wards, 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages, Tokyo is the Centre of activities in Japan, both economic and political culture.Tokyo is located almost at the heart of the Japan Islands and the southern part of the country growing regions. In the East, adjacent to the Chiba Prefecture, where the River Edo partitions. The West, adjacent to the province, Prefecture, County, area of Mount chip! South adjacent to the Kana Kanagawa Prefecture River Tama and the North adjacent to the province of Saitama. Tokyo is a small province as the country's top three 2187. square kilometers. The area long-term from this East meets West, full of landscapes from an area no more than four meters high, groups from sea level up to the mountains. Rolling hills and plateau at 2000 m high to the scattered and the expansion to the Izu Islands, which are volcanic islands, and Islands of Kanagawa Kawasaki in Okazaki, the Pacific Ocean, Shiga.
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