Operating officer, Vladimir Working day Monday-Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays is holiday (to be announced in each year). Start (D) At 8.30-17.00 pm Tot (N) late nighter at 17.00-08.30 pm. Tot holiday-nighter (O) At 8.30-17.00 pm Being late 1. an employee who is late may be adjusted (Agency) and if more than four hours to leave unrelated 1 day. 2. an employee who is late more than 30. Hours per year. Excess will be considered to adjust salaries and bonuses. The outfit. Weekdays Monday-Friday 1. men-short or long sleeve, insert a stretch long boots ngotlae khakha Stargate. 2. women-short sleeve t-shirt or long skirt with high heels or sneaker. 3. contraindications-do not put slippers, shorts and jeans. Job performance. Weekend and public holidays 1. men-, Club jerseys, long ngotlae straddle gate khakha boots. 2. women-Club jerseys Skirt or trousers and heels, or sneaker 3. contraindications-do not put slippers, shorts and jeans. Job performance. Consistent with this, La Goodbye to the ad hoc 1. eligible officers la ad hoc for up to 7 days. 2. the leave must submit an adhoc la at least 1 day in advance and must be allowed to leave. 3. an ad hoc need work, La, no less than 3 months. 4. do not leave can be accumulated to another year. 5. la mawan khlo (La heads lunch stop, end, La), is considered a holiday, then leave with. 6. the case of La La must submit an ad hoc in advance, and if suddenly, head of the Center, or La notification with different Ocean.(If it does not comply will be considered absent). Goodbye to summer 1. eligible officers la ad hoc for up to 7 days. 2. the vacation must submit at least 7 days in advance and must be allowed to leave. 3. an ad hoc need to work a donkey is not less than 1 year. 4. do not leave can be accumulated to another year. 5. la mawan khlo (La heads lunch stop, end, La), is considered a holiday, then leave with. Sick leave. 1. sick leave if more than 1 day, must have a medical certificate attributed the leaf la. 2. call centre head or goodbye with different Ocean (if no notification is regarded as absent, except for very ill patients.) 3. If the sick leave exceeds 10 days in one year. Excess will be considered salary increase and bonuses. 4. If the sick leave notify goodbye with the head of Centre, or a different Ocean (if it does not comply will be considered absent). The La ordained. 1. to request approval from the Manager of the company, and only for approval, had no more than 30 days. 2. the date the employee will not receive ordination donkey salary. Maternity leave 1. approval, a maternity leave of 90 days. 2. the company shall monthly pay, only the first 45 days (for another 45 days will receive no salary). The lack of jobs. 1. it will be adjusted according to the number of 500 baht per day. 2. more than 3 days absence, or absence, up to 3 times per month, as employees. 3. the absence is taken to phachan naprap salaries and bonuses. To quit. 1. must submit at least 30 days in advance and receive approval for a resignation. If the submitted resignation in advance is less than. 30 day. The company can sue for damages claims (in case of replacement staff has not reached) and refrain from paying salaries. 2. If the submitted resignation less than 30 days in advance. The company can sue for damages claims.(กรณียังไม่สารถหาพนักงานทดแทนไม่ได้) และงดการจ่ายเงินเดือน การพ้นสภาพพนักงาน 1.ขาดงานเกิน 3 วันติดต่อกัน หรือ ขาดงานมากกว่า 3 ครั้งต่อเดือน 2.ทุจริตในหน้าที่ 3.ขาดงานเป็นประจำ 4.ติดสารเสพติด 5.ดื่มสุราในที่ทำงาน/ทะเลาะชกต่อยในที่ทำงาน/เล่นการพนันในที่ทำงาน 6.พฤติกรรมไม่สุภาพกับผู้มาใช้บริการ/เจ้าหน้าที่ของโรงพยาบาล/ผู้มาติดต่องาน
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..