Lime, lime is used, very useful. As the spices and herbs. In addition to consumption as food and medicine. Also can be used as a component in various types of cosmetics as well
English Name: Ma retreat
.Common name: Porcupine, Lime Orange Kiffir, Lime Mauritius Leech, Papeda
scientific name: Citrus hystrix DC.
family name:? RUTACEAE
1 botanical characteristic. The lime is a medium-size tree trunk high
2. Kaffir lime leaves, has the characteristics of wide เป็นรูปไข่
3.The flowers are white, the straight axillary fragrant look into a single flower bouquets and flowers, flowers 2 - 12
- sepals are 4-5 petals are oval, wide. Pointed
.- with 4-5 petals petal petals thick oval greenish oval, rounded Cape outside have oil glands petals fall easily
- stamen with many stamens stem white Anthers yellow
.- the stigma similar shaped blackjack, greenish yellow color, the amount of pollen round greenish yellow color
- ovary quite wide round top, there are many channel
4.The resulting single is round. Some varieties have a rough surface with cork at the head, thick, green when sperm with yellow seeds many seeds. The inner structure is similar, the size of the effect about 3 citrus - 7 cm
. Common sourceDon't know the source, but is found naturally in Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and South East Asia
utilization of lime
1.? The various parts of the lime, a medication or a mixture of various drugs 1.1 kaffir lime leaves, with the opera a cough
2. Industrial use perfume and cosmetics various
3. Citric acid in lime. Help remove soap left behind. I comb is simple. The oil from the lime skin help hair shiny
4.Use of flavor food smell of dishes, use a mixture of spices and various
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