In performing the operations on the contracting heart there is danger of the impairment of cardiac function and partial arrest of blood circulation, resulting in the damage to some organs, brain cells in particular.<br><br>Such danger is eliminated when artificial blood circulation apparatus called heart-lungs is used during the operation. By using the artificial blood circulation the heart is apparatus from the excluded blood and the circulation is surgeon to work on the "Able" heart for a dry longer of time period achieving.<br><br>Hypothermia is another method used in heart operations. When the patient is under Hypothermia the surgeon can eliminate congenital or developed heart defects without a loss of the patient's blood during-operation.<br><br>The method of occlusion consists of bandaging all the vessels carrying blood to and from the heart just before making as incision on the cardiac wall. When the method of occlusion is applied the surgeon evacuates from the heart at amount of blood which is inside its cavities (in the adult it is about 100-150 ml) and performs the necessary operation to eliminate the cardiac defect.
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