Prepare your development skills by focusing on the following five aspects.1. develop communication skills (Communication Skill) is a English accent, and speaking practice with teachers ' language interactions with students. When students dare to speak, communicate 2. the development of thinking skills (Thinking Skill) to promote thinking skills by the time children learn outside classroom activities. Project tasks, these activities can promote thinking skills of students. 3. improve participation (Participation Skill) skill to participate with an emphasis on student-centred by a resolution (problemsolving) and learning by cooperation (cooperative learning) is the development of people skills, attitudes and knowledge.4. developing skills in solving problems (Problem solving Skill) the problem solving skills. Using activities that require resolution interpolation In 8 groups and emphasizes problem solving skills, added as part of the learning process of the students by using a solution of single groups and processes.5. development of mental skills (Public mind Skill) features: 1. objective 8 Patriot King sat 2. honestly. 3. discipline 4. learning to think is only 5. 6. we are committed to working. 7. love is Thailand. 8. is there a public affection.The author of this content and integrate skills all children's lessons seriously. If the public mind as a skill, because the behavior of students who make moral. Good ethics is good, and ready to share the pleasure to others.
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