. Culture of MyanmarThe culture of Myanmar has been influenced both from China and Thailand long. This is reflected in language, music, and food for Burma's art was influenced by literature and Buddhism Theravada sect. Since the ancient times.Which is apparent from the rural areas of the country, the dress of the Burmese, both men and women wear a sarong called popular, try Yi. The traditional dress is called Her very long Lun
. Oppose tradition.Tradition, oppose, or called "ordination bead" is a tradition of ชาวไต or Thai, which is the tradition of long. "Tuff means, which means the festival gala, งานมงคลต่าง. Be แปลว่..And, try from "try it means king. The king about the king, when รวมกันก็ means. The prepared ordained as monks of children dress Da king or the king.
.By the "oppose." this is popular in during March to May of every year. Since it is that people have free time exception. After the harvest ผืช the agricultural fields in the completed.The Thai Yai event this is because they want for their children to ordination. As the monks and novices for transmission of Buddhism. As we can see that the Thai Yai respected BuddhismAll
.From the past, Myanmar has a tradition of each month in a year is called chip. It divorce Ti Ba software หรือประ tradition and two months. In the dynasty of Myanmar is set to this work is a ceremony.It has changed from the original. Twelve tradition of Myanmar as follows (a month 1 of Myanmar as months and months 12 5 Thai Thai as months 8 Myanmar)
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