Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions):1 INTRODUCTION.(Questions) 2 BODY.3 CONCLUSION.Questions.We will now consider each of these parts in more detail.The introduction is very important - perhaps the most important - part of your presentation. This is the first impression. That your audience have of you. You should concentrate on getting your introduction right.Introduction.The following table shows examples of useful phrases for starting your presentation. You may need to modify the language. As appropriate.Function Possible Language.1.Welcoming your audience and introducing yourself.Education Good morning / Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen - Let me introduce myself. I "m Vanida from School of Business, Administration. Education Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is...2. Introducing your topic and saying why your topic is relevant for audience.Education What I "d like to present to you today is....." - I m here today to present... - Today "s topic is... - The subject / topic of. My presentation is... - In my presentation I would like to report on... - Today I "m going to talk about... - I ll be talking." About... - By the end of this talk you will be familiar with...Revised.3. Stating your purpose and the structure of your presentation.Education The purpose / objective / aim of this presentation is to... - My objective is to... - I "ve divided my presentation into three. (main) parts. - In my presentation I "ll focus on three major issues.4. Sequencing and Timing.Education Point one deals, with... Point two... And point, three... - First I ", ll be looking at... Second,,... And third... - I" ll begin. Start off by... Then I "ll move on to..... - Then / Next / After that... - My presentation will take about 30 minutes.5. Questions.Education There will be time for questions after my presentation. - We will have about 10 minutes for questions during the question. And answer period. - Feel free to ask questions at any time during my presentation.The body is the "real" presentation. If the introduction was well prepared, and delivered you will now be "in control,". You will be relaxed and confident.Body.The body should be well structured divided logically, up, plenty with of carefully spaced visuals.The following table shows examples of useful phrases for presenting your information. You may need to modify the language. As appropriate.Function Possible Language.1. Indicating the end of a section.Education This brings me to the end of my first point.2. Moving to the next point.Education Let "s now move on / turn to... - Let" s now take a look at...3. Going back.Education As I said / mentioned, earlier... - As I ", ve already explained...4. Introducing a visual.Education Let "s now look at the first slide which shows... - The chart on the following slide shows... - I have a slide here that. Shows... - As you can see from this, slide here...Revised.5. Explaining a visual.Education First let me, quickly explain the graph. - You can see that different colours on this chart have been used to indicate...6. Highlighting information.Education I "d like to stress / highlight / emphasize the following point (s... - I" d like you to focus your attention on... - What s. " Really important here is... - Let "s look more closely at...Use the conclusion to:Conclusion.1. Sum, up 2. Invite, questions 3. Thank your audience.The following table shows examples of useful phrases for ending your presentation. You may need to modify the language. As appropriate.Function Possible Language 1 Summarizing points - Just to summarize the main points of my talk... - To conclude / In, conclusion. I "d like to... - To sum up (then), we...2 Inviting questions - Are there any questions? - We just have time for only a few questions.3 Thanking your audience.Education Many thanks for your attention. - May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.
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