The value of shrimp to eat lessBoth were delicious, fresh, cold treatment as drugs effect against lung and intestines. Used as a poison pill to drive Drive the hottest neutralize toxic fever Driving in the lungs cough as a toxic blood (both).In Taiwan, this type of medication is used as an herbal fever. Reduce fever (trunk) The root is used as a part in the Indochina drug fever in children (root)Used as a medication, sore throat, throat or tonsillitis with fresh-squeezed juice is taken, remove the source or Tom (trunk)Use the breast abscess treatment by using a live pound to bring the phokboriwen into (the)Both are used as medications acute intestinal inflammation (both).In New Guinea are squeezed from both water use brought to eat as antidote to treat dysentery and a protection (stems, either).In Indochina, the root is used as antidote twist. Fix urine pelvis (root)In Malaysia, it will bring fresh roasted, remove residue using a poultice, bandage. Poultice pain cure wounds (live)Use the trunk to bring meals, squeezed to remove information, but the water washed the wound, and use langboriwen to clear the chronic wounds (trunk)The use of fresh roasted phokboriwen that are insect bites (live)
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