The Muslim teens • Young high energy your body and mind• The burden of young, so there isn't much chance to accumulate knowledge and experience than their ages.• There is a wide range of human imaginative so far. Exposing the concept and hope that outstanding• Young people have confidence in themselves, which is a key factor in creating a strong personality.• Youth are ready to receive instructions from the person they trust. It is essential to develop people in the society.• Subject to the importance of young Muslims is a matter of time and life, which is the adolescent range. When a man has the power of mind and body and has a high potential to learn, because during teenage age with time as other wangkwa because it does not have a duty to be responsible. In addition to study and take care of yourself. Provides an opportunity to create a portfolio with a good concept and development of life. The parents are helped in the development of their lives. By creating the potential in themselves and confidence in his body to make him have confidence in yourself, which is the highlight of a young age, he was able to do everything that they think they do. Which are the characteristics of a leader?• Most youngsters are ready to receive instructions. Taken from his person, trust, without which analysis is a good opportunity to make our teens the confidence and trust in parents and guidance counsellors. Story of the young Prophet told a story about Hajj and Iman directly only to believe in the resurrection.( لَنْ تَزُوْلَ قَدَمَا عَبْدٍ حَتَّى يُسْأَلَ عَنْ أَرْبَعٍ ، عَنْ عُمْرِهِ فِيْمَا أَفْنَاهُ ، وَعَنْ شَبَابِهِ فِيْمَا أَبْلاهُ ، وَعَن مَالِهِ مِنْ أَيْنَ اكْتَسَبَهُ وَفِيْمَ أَنْفَقَهُ وَعَنْ عِلْمِهِ مَاذَا عَمِلَ بِهِ) رَوَاه التِّرْمِذِيّThat is, "the foot of man anyone would not move until the movement (the groom), must be investigated in four respects: his life and spent his young age, however, continues to make an effort, however, his assets come from?, and how to use his knowledge, to do," he said. (There are also recorded by c-tin)That the Prophet peace be upon him, one question has emphasized that to ask his young age, including whether and how to act, because it is the most important of the life span; The answers to these questions, we must be prepared, since now. To respond in the resurrection
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