Mr. sathit customs. The customs code now between ดำเนินการปฏิรูป customs both copies. To offer the new government consider is associated with 4 main issues, including 1.Obligations have been agreed in ASEAN. To support ASEAN open (ACC) 2. Create transparency and flexibility. In the practice of customs clearance 3. To increase the efficiency of customs procedure and 4.Increasing the competitiveness of the private sector. The amendment of the law, customs will not impact the income in revenue tariff. But will focus on increasing the pace. Modern standard customs clearance is universal.
by reducing power official and increasing transparency, will adjust rules and the 1.The bribe money prizes will adjust rules, the bribe 30% ceiling value of duties and set no more than 10 million. While the prize money increased left from the original value of 15% 25% duties and the ceiling not more than 5 million
."Bribery awards to customs are also necessary. But the customs should not be received. Should give the prize money to someone outside a line that leads. Therefore, the ceiling and reduce the proportion of prize money instead.The entrepreneur has no motive to tax evasion. But have to suppress the action as well as the United States, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, etc. "
2.The extra money will offer guidance for the 2 policy decision. By considering the intent of the offender to a fine of not more than 4 times of the duties or adjust, giving at the discretion of the court, or another way? Consider the minimum 0.5 times but not more than 4 times of duties. According to the Council of state 3 proposal.The test is to see if a retrospective duty should set the 5 years or 7 years to prevent cheating, and reduce the burden กับเอกชน to documents. By the collection of documents to explain a private 5 years or 7 years from the original 10 years.
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