Vegetables can be classified into six categories: 1. The botanical classification. BY importance to the network permission. But there may be ways to grow and care practices differ in the same plant family as tomatoes, potatoes with 1.1. Vegetable monocots 1.1.1 Plant grass (Grass Family) or Graeme Smith, Lee (Gramineae) include corn oil , vegetable family 1.1.2 Aram (Arum Family) or Therapy CE (Araceae) include taro , vegetables 1.1.3 lily family (. Lily Family) or CE Lilium (Liliaceae) include asparagus 1.1.4. Onion family vegetables - garlic (Amaryllis Family) or Amaryllis Da CE (Amarylilidaceae) Gui Chai include garlic, onions, shallots, onion, Japanese share onions 1.1.5. Vegetables, ginger family (Ginger Family) or Sing Chi Ribera CE (Zingiberaceae) include ginger ginger vegetable dicotyledon 1.2 1.2.1. Goose family vegetable feet (Goosfoot Family) or Keno Podium CEO. (Chenopodiaceae) include Beeston Pueblo SIA 1.2.2. Collard family vegetables (Mustard Family) or teacher's Ferry (Cruciferae) also star Collard Collard Collard knot flowering cabbage, broccoli, kale, broccoli, turnips, Guangdong. Mustard greens, turnips, radish 1.2.3, vegetables, legumes (Pea of Pulse Family) or play games with my teeth (Leguminosee) include beans, lentils, peas, broad bean betel nuts 1.2.4. Vegetable tribe of Apollo (Mallow Family) or lava CE (Malvaceae), including okra, roselle 1.2.5. Vegetable family parsley (Parsley Family) or Burnham Bellini Ferry (Ummbelli Ferrae) include carrots, celery, parsley Jose Ferrer's 1.2.6. Vegetable family, Merrill still Bakery (Morning Glory Family) or Con v Woolston la CE. (Convolvulaceae), including morning glory, sweet potatoes , vegetables, Family Night Shake 1.2.7 (Nightshade Family) or sensitivity Las Nazi Sheehy (Solanaceae), including bell peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, paprika 1.2.8. Vegetable marrow squash family (Gourd Family) or Ontario Big Eye CE (Cucurbitaceae), squash, cucumbers, melons, including watermelon festival gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin, squash, zucchini doctor sided gourd family vegetables 1.2.9 Components site (Composite Family) or visitors. Post City (Compositae), including the Doctor Oh lettuce lettuce 1.2.10. Moza vegetables with family Fabaceae (mimosaceae) include vegetable Kachet 1.2.11. Vegetable clan Arabia Enschede (Labiatae) include basil, sweet basil , thyme swimming Position 2. BY temperatures can be classified according to their optimum temperature range for growth of vegetation, each divided into two major categories: 1. . Winter vegetables including groups like the average temperature 1.1 15.5 -18.5 degrees Celsius monthly estimate and does not tolerate temperatures over 21-24 ° C include beet Broccoli Broccoli cabbage, carrots, collard, kale, mustard flower. Collard greens, cabbage, celery, lettuce, potatoes, beans knot and Pueblo Leng 1.2. Group to adapt to the temperature range from 12.5 to 24 degrees Celsius, well include asparagus, garlic, shallots, garlic, onion and 2. Summer Vegetables include 2.1 to adapt to the temperature from 18.5 to 26 degrees Celsius include beans Bean Kantara. cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes and corn loops sweet 2.2. The group can be grown productively well at temperatures above 21 ° C include sweet potato, eggplant, pepper, and watermelon crops this winter. There are also differences with summer vegetables at 1. Vegetables winter tolerate lower temperatures and frost have two. Winter vegetable seeds can germinate at soil temperatures colder than three. Have shallow root systems than four. Generally need more water plant summer vegetables 5. Often respond more nitrogen fertilizer plant summer vegetables 3. BY ability to withstand cold divided into three groups, 3.1 tolerate cold and frost them. Will grow well in cold weather is not damaged by frost. If planted in the tropics are not as productive as they should be broad bean, peas, cabbage, etc., but it has the breeding to withstand more heat. You can grow well in the tropics 3.2. Tolerate some cold weather. Psychrotolerant moderation Grow well in the temperature range 15 -18 ° C as beets, carrots, celery, lettuce million the company 3.3 does not tolerate cold weather. It grows well in a temperature range of -30 to 25 ° C can not grow in a cold climate such as vegetables, cucurbits. Sweet corn, peppers, eggplant and okra gumbo, red beans, green beans million the company took advantage 4. Segment 4.1 leaves and stems, such as cabbage, kale, collard, turnip, asparagus and lettuce knot in 4.2, such as tomatoes. watermelon, beans, eggplant , flowers such as 4.3 Brock choline Collard 4.4 blossom. The underground and surface water, like taro, onions, garlic, potatoes, turnips, yams million the company 5. By the way, the Blue and the care to be easy to explain and practice have been divided into 13 groups only. Only four groups came from the same family. Then a group of vegetables that come from many tribes. It can be seen that certain vegetables have similar characteristics, it may be in the same group as follows: 5.1 vegetable crops include asparagus 5.2 leaf vegetable, including Pueblo SIA Morning Glory 5.3 vegetable salad including lettuce, celery. Marie Collard 5.4 vegetables - cabbage, turnips and collard knot Collard star Brock choline Collard flowering Chinese cabbage, turnip greens. Kwang Tung mustard 5.5 Vegetables, edible roots and tubers include carrots, radish, turnip, Pahang 5.6 onions - garlic and onion, leek, garlic, shallot, onion, divided aromatic Japan 5.7 Potatoes 5.8 Yam 5.9 beans and broad bean, peas, beans and squash, long green beans Winged 5:10 eggplant. - include eggplant, peppers, chili pepper, tomato , cucumber, melon and melon 5.11 outlandish watermelon, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, gourd, squash, corn, including corn, sweet corn 5.12 larvae hatch , ginger, lemon grass, galangal, thyme, basil, 5:13 miscellaneous correspondents basil swimming position six. The vegetable garden by type classification purposes and methods of production have five types of 6.1, backyard or kitchen garden. As a small vegetable garden By area home, school or work to be a source of fresh vegetables. Has a high nutritional value Poison It is also a source of fitness and recreation. Backyard or kitchen garden You should consider the following: - the choice of location. Should be easy to care closer to home - near water sources can provide water service - planting vegetables should receive sunlight throughout the day. Not under the shady trees - Select.
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