Other names: histamine (central) gold fed up, go tired. ลิ้นงูเห่า Philippine violet. (Bangkok) steelyard (Tak), Barleria cristata Barleria cristata town. (Thai) stem scale (West)
English name
botanical aspects:Shrub height about 1 meters long thorny topic each pair to pair 2 3 branches leaves reddish brown. The leaves dark green. The center line of the red card. Flower bouquet of flowers at the ends of branches. 8 cm longThe ornamental terra cotta. Quite round, orange petals, the result is a pod oval
: the roots, leaves, the whole 5
.Root - cure yellow eyes, yellow pages, strain, have not solve labor, solve the wrong food. ถอนพิษงู, poisonous insect bites tooth pain
.The leaf insect bites and solve the urticaria rash cure resin trap cure diabetes แก้ปวดแผล injuries from sharp injury to boil. Treatment of mumps. To fire, solve the ขยุ้มตีนหมา cure herpes zoster. Treatment of genital herpes.Treatment of smallpox. Solve the bruising. Solve the bruised and swelling due to being solid the fever, toxic smallpox swollen gums, tooth pain cure hemorrhoids cure mosquito bites. Antidote burned burn catfish stabbing pain of
the 5 - like confine. And represents the brow-antlered deer. But the confine a tasteless The Philippine violet taste very bitter. And the Philippine violet is able to light than confine
and the amount used:
.Using the same confine everything
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