In fact, the subject of a new threat, it is a subject that is difficult to define, what is clear is that a new threat? Like views that appear in the book "Global Responses to Global Threats" of Christ secretly refused., Paul Rogers, and chon Bo da, Slovak [11] has significant new threats to break into 4 major categories: 3.1 changing climate Result from the use of energy from fossil remains that resulted in "greenhouse effect" makes it possible for many countries nuclear energy is being geared to the fact the nuclear power back is not a real answer, because nuclear power by laiklap become a trend that has caused the spread of nuclear weapons and technology, so if you want to create lasting stability to occur, then a man should try to find the other side power replace at with a campaign on the subject of energy saving and energy. 3.2 race usurp the resources as one of the significant issues arising from the consumption of natural resources flows, causing the pursuit and tussle to occupy energy source. Like the Iraq invasion and occupation into the funding under the framework of the development and possession of weapons of mass destruction, according to the highest authority that the u.s. claims, but it appears that after entering into the occupation and then it appears that there are no weapons of mass destruction is a high power, as it claims, but any. 3.3 the emergence of minority peoples of the archipelago. From the economic conditions which have serious competition, causing a pile up of prosperity and wealth. Resulted in a difference in terms of quality of life between the various groups of channels bring a feeling of inequality, envy anger hate exploitation feel conquered and eventually have a different opinion. Make some use of violence as a tool to negotiate or build equity. Like migration migration of ethnic minorities in various countries. Group of people infected with HIV/AIDS in Ivy and terrorism, etc. In the current issue of terrorism has spread until it cannot be controlled and those who died from the infection of HIV/AIDS, there are more than Ivy, who died from terrorism. 3.4 military expansion, even though the cold war ended, the only remaining as a result of the power pole, which seems to be good and to reduce the accumulation of weapons of various countries around the world, but the situation was not so engklap this is because the United States is trying to become the only superpower nation it resulted in continued military expansion. In addition, the system of nuclear weapons did not dissolve. There are many countries began to come back to nuclear technology development and including high destructive power, armed with "WMD" other biological weapons such as continuous, and chemical weapons that many overlooked countries. For the new model, threats, in addition to the Responses to Global Threats Global in books that have been mentioned in the above, is mainly discussed in such a way that a digest of threats such as the epidemiology information regarding threat of transnational crime. The threat to human security and the threat of climate politics, etc. However, the emergence of new forms of threats, it does not mean that threats in original format or traditional runs. In many countries in the world to fall in a State of war may be a risk that occur at any time. This means the current CBT The world is faced with threats on both sides is the traditional threats pose to the military forces continue to quiver or twitch khamak. However, in many countries with a new threat that requires a balanced approach to sustainable stability. Make those involved in Security Affairs will have to work harder to double or more. Must have a well-rounded view of the expansive view of the problem, and include responses to things quickly because of the associated and related problems that's been brought hundreds together pose new threats more sophisticated khue?้น, for example, the two countries will enter a war by each party are limited to the country budget. The two countries may only declare war and battle each other in a very short time period the limit because if the long war may well bring it in bankruptcy or public uprisings in the country and possibly topple the Government itself to the mouth. These things can happen today.4. national security in the era after the cold war. From the stream of changes that occurred rapidly at present, and the emergence of new forms of threats affecting national security are inevitable. Therefore, to estimate whether the country has enough stability so as to consider and include defining themes and ideas that lead to new stability that occurs in the world after the cold war era to correspond with changes to split the side of national security will need to be modified to be appropriate in accordance. You can divide the aspects of stability, as follows: 4.1 ความมั่นคงด้านการเมืองภายในประเทศ กระแสการเบ่งบานของประชาธิปไตยพร้อม ๆ กับความสามารถในการรับรู้ข้อมูลข่าวสารของประชาชน อีกทั้งความเข้มแข็งที่เพิ่มขึ้นของประชาสังคม ได้ส่งผลให้เกิดความซับซ้อนในการดำเนินงานการเมืองภายในประเทศ อำนาจที่แท้จริงของปวงชนชาวไทยกำลังถูกนำกลับคืนมาสู่ประชาชนผู้เป็นเจ้าของอำนาจด้วยการเพิ่มอำนาจในการถอดถอนผู้ที่ดำรงตำแหน่งทางการเมือง หลังจากที่ประชาชนได้ใช้อำนาจผ่านผู้แทนของเขาเหล่านั้น (นักการเมือง) ในอดีตที่ผ่านมาผู้แทนของปวงชนได้ใช้อำนาจอย่างละเลยความต้องการที่แท้จริงของประชาชน การมีบทบาทและการมีส่วนร่วมมากขึ้นของประชาชนในการปกครองประเทศ ส่งผลให้การบริหารงานของรัฐบาลจะต้องเป็นไปอย่างมีธรรมภิบาล 4.2 political stability outside the country. The role of supranational bodies such as the United
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