Bran Castle, of Romanian built in 19671212 by German Knights And the castle of the ruler of Transylvania Gothic castle with age is older than the 600 this year Located on a high cliff near the town of Braasch OrlovWhile Romania is divided into regional tran Silva Neak with Wallachia At that time there was a prince who dare one is Prince Vladimir Tepes, operations against the onslaught of the Turks actively Until the proverbial in braveryDespite becoming the owner of the carnage But he has been hailed as the greatest king
In an old mansion strip transilvania, count, or are you now or the Duke, which traced descent from the rulers of transilvania bro It is believed that he made at the old, standing for over three centuries1890 famine has spread all over the Romanian peasants, migrated into work in other countries, such as Germany, England, France, all made the count, owner of the castle Start starve because no humans as foodTo migrate to other food sources With what came over me, just do not know Your goals count is London The count is in contact with the real estate agent there. Let the purpose thatSpecial land brokers, send the boy the distant future of company name, Jonathan Harker, a representative to negotiate with the count What he found in the castle of Transylvania is big The atmosphere of suspicious thingsHarker) He doesn't like the atmosphere and the owner of the castle took a toll. The count has a younger girl สวยสาม. Which one of them Have snuck into his room at night in most ฤทธ hypertrophy?. analysis alsoHarker survive from becoming a victim of her fangs have not Yang narrowly
The story is getting more and more complicated When the count went to London, his first name is Lucy West Mountain, and ราวก็ into the lock? When the dagr cue met the beautiful wife of HarkerAnd ศรส rhetorical sweet poison trauma tackle count dagr cue. We passed away. But the war ended รักนี้คง not easy when Jonathan Harker Which received help from a vampire hunter van Helsing (this is a fun movie.)No wonder his beloved wife from the fight that frightens? Among the FAE and his associates of Harker The count defeated mind traumatic return to Castle in the ran Sylvania, which Harker พรรคพ and burningTo cut down the threat, the removal of roots Do you ever watch the movie version Will assume the heart count dagr cue is now defeated both love and war like this. A pity. It end part Dagr cue was a stake out and cut until dissolvedThe spirit of his evil still, and no one knows for sure, dagr cue was eliminate permanently That's still hide victims in the shadow of the Ararat Tikal next
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