They agree with the hop on the subject of social cruelty of nature, which requires a social contract to have a peace. But he did not agree with the two main issues in the hop that is. Liberty and property, it is something that exists even in a natural state and society is something that can not be to separate from the individuals or peoples, which is something that he will give it to anyone. All these rights can be transferred to compatible (inalienable) The second message. Lock disagree with hop on the social contract For him, the social contract is not just an agreement between people together? But an agreement between them to the rat tha architecture works. Especially The sequel from the idea of a lock. The natural rights of the individuals of the limited power of the King. He found he absolute power just like the hop does not. But he used the powers only to enforcement and the escort, which naturally and her rights if that rat tha architecture describes the abuse these rights and the social contract cancelled, public enterprises has the rights to revolution and chorus.Install a new Government. Less than one hundred years after this piece of writings to write locks. Thomas Jefferson put his theory to apply in writing "independence" (Declaration of independence) in the United States's independence declaration from the UK
.Although the lock is an explicit confirmation notices to freedom of thought. Speech and religion but he believed natural rights as a property owner, the most important. Lock admired ruled by the House of representatives, such as the Parliament of England which consists of. Council of the nobility at the blood line inheritance and common Council acquired by election. For this reason only, but the guy who owns the only property owner has the right to vote. In the maximum power in the State Government, said the party needs to block legislation they act legislation like the Parliament of England.
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